Family finances


Tax & Business Service

Beyond Numbers and Expectations


Wanda Bryant & ExpertEase Tax Services

ExpertEase Tax Services, where expertise exceeds expectations.

With over 30 years of industry expertise transitioning from payroll to tax preparation, I, Wanda Bryant, specialize in navigating the intricate landscape of payroll and tax requirements. At ExpertEase Tax Services, we pride ourselves on offering bespoke tax solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our commitment extends beyond tax season, providing year-round support to ensure your peace of mind.

At E/E Business & Finance Solutions, we understand the challenges of growth and compliance.

Driven by the needs of the nonprofit community, we are dedicated to supporting organizations like yours. Whether you're a nonprofit seeking strategic HR solutions or a small business striving for operational efficiency, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Feeling overwhelmed? Let's navigate your growth journey together.

Together, let's craft tailored solutions aligned with your goals to propel your organization forward with confidence.


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Personalized Financial Optimization

  • Deduction Maximization: Tailor strategies for maximum returns.
  • Proactive Tax Planning: Anticipate changes, optimizing your financial position.
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Comprehensive tax Support

  • Year-round Assistance: Ongoing support beyond tax season.
  • Audit Preparedness: Ensure audit-ready records for peace of mind.
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Efficiency and Education Package

  • Streamlined Record-Keeping: Implement efficient practices for simplified preparation.
  • Transparent Communication: Keep you informed and educated.
  • Technology Integration: Leverage advanced software for accuracy and compliance.

Access our portfolio by clicking the picture above


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HR Strategy Development & Planning

  • Align HR strategies with organizational goals.
  • Develop tailored HR plans to attract, retain, and develop top talent.
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HR Policy & Procedure Development

  • Develop tailored HR policies and procedures aligned with your organization's values, culture, and industry regulations.
  • Identify and address potential HR risks through the implementation of comprehensive policies and procedures.

Bookkeeping & Record-Keeping

  • Streamline bookkeeping processes and establish efficient record-keeping systems to save time and resources.
  • Maintain accurate financial records and adhere to regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance with tax laws and financial reporting standards.

Tax Preparation Checklists

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tax e-file word cloud

Beyond the Numbers


Stress-Free Filing for Individuals

3D Tax Inspector

Tax Insights for Entrepreneurs

Income tax words

Expert Tax Support for Nonprofits Growth

Client Testimonials


While our website is still buzzing with excitement from recent launches, we're eagerly anticipating the arrival of your testimonials! We can't wait to showcase the success stories and satisfaction of our valued clients.

Stay tuned for real stories of financial empowerment and seamless tax experiences.

Your success is our success!

Let's work together!

Email me and let's talk.



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